
How To Block/Unblock People on Facebook?

We meet many people on different online networking destinations one of which includes Facebook; the most widely recognized one, too. In any case, is every one of the general population worth conversing with on the web? Clearly not. In this way, Facebook has a choice to maintain distance from these irritating components from your rundown by blocking them. Additionally, you can even unblock them when you want. Isn’t it cool? So take in the means of how to block or unblock individuals on Facebook by going through the following steps.

  1. Log in to your Facebook account.


2. Click at the top right of any Facebook page.


3. Click Settings from the drop down list.


4. Select Blocking Option from the left side corner list of options.


5. Enter the name of the person you wish to block.

If you want to unblock a person, click on the unblock option next to the person’s name whom you wish to unblock. How-to-block-unblock-on-facebook

6. Lists of names appear.

Select the one you wish to block from the list by selecting the block option against the person’s name. How-to-block-unblock-on-facebook

7. Confirm by clicking on Block.


8. The person is now blocked from your Facebook account and will no longer be able to contact you through Facebook.

How-to-block-unblock-on-facebook Hope our approach was useful and beneficial for you.  


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