ADATA Customer Care Phone Number, Email ID, Office Address


ADATA Customer Care Phone Number, Email ID, Office Address

Do you know about the company ADATA? Want to contact them? Searching for queries like what is the customer care number or email id of ADATA? What is the office contact details of ADATA like office address, phone number, email id, fax number, etc? Are they available on social media platforms for customers? Check out the article for the answers. ADATA is an online website that sells computer and smartphone-related accessories and it was settled in 2001. They provide a huge variety of products for their customers which includes USB drives, Memory cards, pen drive, external hard drives, mobile phones, cameras and many more. The company's motivation for honesty and expertise has made ADATA the great memory brand with the many awards winning product designs. This company started with 20 employees only, ADATA was from the ideal creation a small company with huge dreams. The company’s promises to effective an international leader in providing computer related electronic accessories products led to ADATA different itself from the meeting by its commitment to expertise and eye-catching product designs. Their values which introduce integrity, fairness, honesty, love and innovation etc. and all these points help share to remarkable and logical year on year funds and profit expansion, thus driving ADATA to manage 1 billion dollars in business turnover within its first 10 years. If any user is looking for computers related accessories then users can contact on customer care members directly. Here below us share details of head office and customer care of ADATA which includes head office address, fax no, email ids, phone number, customer care email id and their contact number, website and profiles links of ADATA Company.

ADATA Customer Care Contact Details

Customer care information which includes a contact number and their email address, both are mentioned below. Users can contact on these details directly.

ADATA Customer Care Number: +91-22-4286-8888

To know details related to any product and services of ADATA, users can contact on this contact number.

ADATA Customer Care Email ID:

All the email address are only for customers help, users can send their messages, suggestions, feedbacks and queries on these email addresses.

ADATA Head Office Contact Details

Head office details which include their address, fax number, contact number, and email address are shared below provided by us. And users can visit head office of ADATA also. ADATA Head Office Address: 801, 8th Floor, A Wing, Lotus Corporate Park, Goregaon (E), Mumbai - 400063, India ADATA Head Office Phone Numbers: +91-22-4286-8888 ADATA Head Office Fax Number: +91-22-4286-8889 ADATA Head Office Email ID:

ADATA Official Website:

Social Profiles

Web links to social profiles of the company are shared below, users can go through them if they were interested. Facebook Fan Page: Twitter Handle:  Google+ Profile: N/A Instagram Profile: N/A Pinterest Profile: N/A LinkedIn Profile: N/A

Important Links

Online Support: If anyone needs any kind of technical support and sales related details then they can connect with them directly. FAQs: With FAQs segment, buyers can read all the details of FAQ of ADATA. Worldwide Offices: All offices of ADATA Company in all over the world are mentioned on this webpage, if you were interested then you can go to this webpage. Contact Form: Contact Form web link of the company are mentioned above, you can be contacted by them.        


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